Sunday, July 11, 2010

Original Photo by Brandon C. Warren

Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
~ The Queen

Today's Joy: Alice in Wonderland.
Somehow, Reader, I have gotten through life never having read or seen Alice In Wonderland. Yes, really. I know of Lewis Carroll's literary masterpiece and have seen advertisements over the years for the animated Walt Disney version. But for some reason, I've never gotten around to actually reading it or watching the movie.

Curiouser and curiouser! ~ Alice

Now, enter Tim Burton's inspired new 3-D CG take on this 19th century classic. Well, as I'm usually a big Tim Burton fan, and this version stars Johnny Depp (a favorite actor of mine), I should have been breaking down the theatre door to sit in front of the big screen. But I was still a little hesitant. I saw Tim Burton's Charlie & The Chocolate Factory and found it WAY over the top and frankly, disturbing. While I enjoy Tim Burton's imagination and especially his quirky & whimsical (if dark) interpretation of the world, it was pretty disappointing. So I wasn't in a hurry to have my first Alice in Wonderland experience be equally disenchanting.

Tut, tut, child! Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it. ~ The Duchess

Anyway, tonight was our monthly Dinner & A Movie Night at K's house. I always look forward to a great evening of cooking, conversation and watching a recent DVD film on K's Blu-Ray player. This week's featured film was (you guessed it!) Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. So, I took it as a sign and got all cozy on the couch.

Why is a raven like a writing desk? - Mad Hatter

Well, Reader, it was totally worth the wait! The movie was visually stunning. The characters were vibrant & engaging. I was totally engrossed in the story and enjoyed every wonderfully-weird moment. Now I can't wait to read the book. Hurray for literary genius (however late it may come into our lives)!

I quite agree with you. And the moral of that is: Be what you would seem to be, or if you'd like it put more simply: Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise. ~ The Duchess

Quotes courtesy of

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