Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today's Joy: Rising Above.
It was a day full of challenges, Reader. Most notable, was the moment when I found myself miles from home at a gas station pump, with my truck fuel gauge on 'E' and my debit card mysteriously out of funds. After a phone call to the bank and then one to my cell phone provider, I determined that I'd been double-charged for my monthly phone bill. Unfortunately, no refund will be available for 7-12 business days and then only if I will fax proof of the original payment.

I should have asked my phone provider, if they can verify that I was over-charged, why I must submit documentation to back up what they already know. But, I'm 5 days into the second week of my No Grumbling, No Complaining Challenge and so took the high road of politeness. Besides, it's not the poor out-sourced customer service rep's fault that my provider's policies are evidently ridiculous. Still, that left me high & dry at the pump and it's difficult to fill the gas tank on wishful thinking. So, a phone call to Mom got me just enough go-juice to make it home, where Aunt had kindly provided a plastic solution.

Now, with a full tank and a few hours distance from the whole thing, I still think it stinks. But, crappy, out-of-my-control events are NOT the boss of me! This is a test and I am not allowing the enemy to ruin the rest of my day. I went to work, came home to do farm-sitting chores and am now happily installed indoors with a cool glass of iced tea while I write to you, dear Reader. P.S. I'm also wearing fabulous earrings. Which, of course, make everything better. Thank you, Lord, for giving me this opportunity to exercise my positivity and rise above (even when it's difficult). Amen.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Originally uploaded by
Fresh Lens Photography

Today's Joy: Loving Every Moment.

It's been a great day, Reader. Had a good, productive day at my new job. I'm really enjoying it. Then rushed home ahead of the storm to get the horses in. They are warm and safe and dry, though I got thoroughly drenched!

But all was right again when I got to Aunt's for dinner. Made plans with Mom to attend our first auction of the year tomorrow morning (we are estate auction junkies from way back). SO looking forward to perusing all those treasures just waiting to be found.

Then had Aunt's taco salad and a good, long visit with her, Aunt Chef & Uncle. The later two being substantially sunburned after a day spent planting heirloom tomatoes in their ever-expanding farm garden. Aunt Chef proclaimed there would be Green Zebras and Black Krims among this year's crop--two of my very favorite heirloom varieties. I can't wait to use them in fresh, summer recipes! There is nothing like the taste of an heirloom tomato. It's like tradition and magic and photosynthesis all rolled into one. Will be sure to get lots of photos for you, Reader.

I love days like this, when you have worked hard, fulfilled your responsibilities and now are pleasantly drowsy on the sun porch as the evening light fades. Content and surrounded by laughter. Would that we had whole summers full of such evenings! Good Night, dear Reader.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Originally uploaded by Fresh Lens Photography
Today's Joy: More Good Stuff.
Happy Thursday, Reader. I had the day off and made good use of my time. Am now feeling very satisfied and ready to get back to work tomorrow. Am also feeling very blessed.

So here's a list of the blessings that I noted today:
  • Kind and loving words from Aunt Chef.
  • A nice conversation with Mom. And we made plans for the weekend.
  • Finally got a chance to catch up with Aunt.
  • Baked cookies today and got to share them--love to spread joy to tummies everywhere!
  • A job well-done. For some reason, was particularly proud of my stall-cleaning effort this morning. It's nice to take pride in your work, however insignificant it might seem.
  • Having some of Uncle & Aunt Chef's cottage bacon for breakfast--feel pretty darn blessed to be able to eat something they take such pride and ownership in.
  • Lots of opportunities for extra income. Every bit helps!
  • Just having another day on the Earth to make a difference!
What blessings did you notice today, Reader? If you didn't take the time to find some, do so now. Was there anything illuminating? Anything that just made you feel good? Did you do something that made someone else's day better? Did someone do that for you? Did God answer a prayer?

If you don't already, take a few moments each night before you close your eyes and think of three things that are good in your life. Go to sleep surrounded by a feeling of gratitude. You'll be surprised what it will do.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today's Joy: Keeping Busy.
Have been thinking all week about Sunday's church service. Renowned financial guru, Dave Ramsey, was our featured (video) speaker. We're 2/3 of the way thru a three week series of his about biblical finance. I'm finding it very illuminating.

What's been sticking with me all week as I've started a new job in addition to my part-time retail position and as I'm farm-sitting for a family friend this week, is his advice about working hard. His do-the-work-now-so-you-can-reap-the-rewards-later philosophy seems especially apropos as I get up at 5:30 am to do chores and clean stalls before working an 8-hour shift at one job and then a closing shift at the other.

Funny thing is, while I'm definitely tired, I don't feel like all my reserves are drained. When focusing after so many hours becomes a challenge, I think about what Dave said. And about making a better life for myself (and someday, my family). I want to be able to do the things God has in store for me in this life, rather than being a slave to my car loan or my student loan payments or, eventually, a mortgage. So I'm diving in. I'm putting it all out there in a way I never have. I am ON FIRE. If I can squeeze it in and it gets me closer to my goal, I'm doing it! And I'm doing it to the best of my ability!

So far, I have noticed two things. I sleep like a rock every night. And I feel good about the day, like I'm on the right path. Can't wait to see what I can accomplish next. Lead on, Lord.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today's Joy: First Day at My New Job.
Wow! What a great day, Reader! This comes to you a bit late, but when one's hands are full, one can't always post in a timely fashion. Never fear, you are never far from my mind as I go about my daily adventures. Can't wait to get to the laptop and share the good stuff with you!

My first day as a Data Entry Clerk for the local branch of an excellent health food store was amazing! I got right in there and learned a zillion new things. Was definitely challenged and stretched myself--which felt really good. Best first day I've had at a job in a very long time. There's a certain amount of fluidity in my position at this point. I can't wait to see how it will evolve. Devoured the entire procedure manual right after orientation and am now reading a memoir about the business, written by one of the founders, as well as a large book around which many of the company's core objectives are based. If information is power, I'm doing the mental equivalent of eating my Wheaties.

I took time today to thank God for this opportunity. He knew just where I needed to be and just what I need to be doing. Funny, how returning to the basics of faith can make such a difference in your life path. Is there something He's asking you to do, Reader? What's holding you back? What do you think might happen if you let go of your fears & objections to do what He's asking? Are you ready to step out in faith?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Today's Joy: A Challenge Extended & A Getting-to-Know-You Gift.
Well, Reader. Today was the official end of my personal one week No Grumbling, No Complaining Challenge. For the most part, I did well. Was certainly much more mindful of the amount of complaining I do and how that negative energy affects the people around me.

But, am still feeling vaguely dissatisfied. So, I'm going to extend my challenge for a second week. As of 10:45 pm on Monday, June 14th, 2010, I will spend another week not complaining and not grumbling and not voicing the derogatory, sarcastic or otherwise inappropriate remarks that tend to waltz out of my mouth. While they may be funny, I'm not sure I like the judgmental attitude they reinforce. (Feeling a Come-to-Jesus-Meeting coming on...)

Am also farm-sitting for a family friend this week. This morning, the delightful resident barn cats left me a present on the porch. A little, fuzzy mole. Quite dead. But intact. Considering we've only been acquainted for 12 hours, that's the feline equivalent of Will You Marry Me?? Very an icky, ewww, get-a-paper-towel sort of way.

Note to Self: in the morning, wear shoes when going out on the porch.

(Lord, please don't let them bring me anything that's still alive. Amen.)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Down The Lane

Today's Joy: Risking The Rain.
Definitely a galoshes sort of day, Reader. This afternoon, I tagged along with the family & cronies on a trail ride (and drive) through the beautiful grounds at St. James Farm. The weather threatened all morning and eventually opened up to drenched us completely. But despite the literal wet blanket, it was a lovely afternoon and a great opportunity to see the property's preserved horse & dairy barns--freshly-painted in their trademark golden mustard color--as well as the ponds, woods and statuary scattered about. Everything had a deep green, misty quality about it. Driving down the lane I felt, for just a moment, what it must have been like in its heyday. Can't wait to go back and tour the rest when the sun is shining. Here are the highlights of our adventure:

Aunt has a new navigator.

The Foot Bridge at St. James Farm

Ginger, Portrait

First ride in the cart and she's a natural!

Fred & Ginger, Belgian Drafts

Aunt, Silver Poodle & Super Charge.

Grace & Smoke

Aunt Chef & Ginger

Breezy & Julie

Fred & Uncle

Wild Turkey

But I Don't Want to Wear Fly Roll-on!

My Viewpoint

Wild Turkey