Saturday, April 14, 2012

Chocolate Foil Bunnies in Wheatgrass Centerpiece

 On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.  ~Douglas Horton

Easter!  Yes, dear Reader, it is that wonderful time of year again when the world begins to green up, the bulbs start to put forth their best and the stores are overflowing with plastic grass and more pastel doo-dads than you can shake a basket at.  Chocolate bunnies, Easter egg hunts, little girls in pretty, frilly dresses and patent leather Mary Janes. What a wonderful season!

But all that stuff is just frosting on the cake.  Easter is about so much more--the Resurrection.  The God-man that came to earth to reconcile us to our Creator.  Is He really worth all the fuss?  Yep.  For all the bad stuff you and I have ever done.  For all the bad stuff we will do.  For all the bad stuff that's ever been done or will ever be done.  Anywhere.  Jesus has made it all right. 

All the pastel hooplah you can come up with in March and April wouldn't amount to a hill of jelly beans without Him.  Easter baskets and egg hunts probably would not be as much fun in hell.  Thanks to Jesus, if you know Him, you don't ever have to find out.  And you can come to God--all clean and new and blameless--for eternity.  A pretty good deal.  Food for thought.

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.  ~Robert Flatt

 This year, Easter has felt more precious than usual.  We've been relishing every moment.  So, here for your enjoyment, dear Reader, are the photo highlights from our Easter celebration:

This year's table setting.

Foil Bunny Vignette

Place Settings
Wheatgrass Centerpiece

One of Aunt Chef's handmade Easter Baskets

The Usual Suspects

Bird Detail

Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink Deviled Eggs

Cheddar Drop Scones


Lamb, ham & delectable veggies make for a pretty plate.

Ah, dessert.  Grace's gorgeous trifle.

Sideboard Vignette

Who invited this guy?