Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chunk Birdwatching

Love is all you need. ~Paul McCartney
Today's Joy: Love Changes Everything.
Something strange has been going on in our house for the past week, Reader. Chunk, my Archie Bunker-esque orange tiger cat, who is normally prickly, aloof and never wants to cuddle has been downright sweet. Usually, he sits on the upstairs balcony, yowling for me until I come to bed, at which point he wants me to sit with him but not too near, and I absolutely may not touch him. But if I want to admire him from a distance, that's just fine. What is it about cats that holds our affection hostage but still keeps us coming back for more? They might be the masters of unrequited love.

Anyway, not only have I actually been allowed to pet Chunk this week, but every night at bedtime he saunters over and flops right up against me, purring for all he's worth. He's been obnoxiously cuddly and hasn't hissed, swatted or given me the cold shoulder once. Have been wondering if he's become mentally unbalanced.

Fast forward to tonight: I went outside to call Chunk for bed (a fixed former stray, he still enjoys a couple hours a day sitting out on the front porch or meandering through the garden) and nearly tripped over a dark gray tabby lying on the porch. She slipped off in the dark but returned as soon as I scooped Chunk up and went inside. For the next three hours, she sat on the front porch yowling.

What I noticed most was how calm Chunk was. He would cock an ear to listen to his girl's plaintive cries but never once went to the window, stood by the door or gave any indication he wanted to join her. In fact, he came over and plunked himself down next to me and purred very contentedly. Amazing stuff, love. It can even change a cantankerous old tomcat. A minor miracle, certainly, but one that's very much appreciated.

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