Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today's Joy: Heeding Your Calling.
Reader, I need your help. For almost 2 years now, God has been nudging me to use my photography skills to help in the community. Specifically, I'm feeling called to take children's & family portraits for families that cannot afford them. I even know what this endeavor is supposed to be called: The Love Likeness Project.

God has put it in my heart to reach out to underprivileged families--especially those with small children. They grow up so quickly and family portraits seem very far out of reach when you're struggling just to put food on the table. I'm blessed with a wonderful gift and it would be so fulfilling to capture those images of childhood & family life while serving others. Since 2008, I've made a few half-hearted attempts to bring this dream to fruition. I've contacted a few churches in search of families who might need photos. I've even tried posting an ad on Craig's List, but received no response.

These last few months, I can feel God urging me a little more insistently to move forward. So, now I'm coming to you. If you have any Chicago-area ministry contacts or helpful suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. I know of no one else who is doing this. It's all uncharted territory with infinite room for possibilities!

I can't help but feel with the poor economy, so many families out of work and others facing the possible loss of their homes, that it is vital for the rest of us to do whatever we can to help ease the burden on these families. And bring them some joy. Whether it's through a camera lens or countless other small ways, the example we set will teach them about love and God.

Thank you for listening. Suggestions and ideas can be emailed to me at God Bless!

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