Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today's Joy: Circumventing Fear.
It turned out to be a cruddy day, Reader. I received two rather expensive pieces of bad news. Both will have to be dealt with in short order and I'm not quite sure how they will work themselves out (though, I know they will). With as hard as I've been working to stay afloat financially, this feels like the straw that got the camel repossessed. Or, something like that.

It's in these moments of heavy responsibility that I must choose: either give into fear and freak out, or, take a deep breath, face straight ahead and take the risk that will (most likely) lead to success. In the end, I'll choose the latter. I'll take that next step forward and afterwards, I'll be glad I did. But in the moment--that half a heartbeat before I make my choice--there's an abyss of fear.

Fear is like a virus, infecting us and multiplying wherever we let it take hold. It'll take over if we're not careful. But if fear is a virus, then Faith and Hope are our antibodies. Preparedness and Conviction are our white blood cells.

Have you noticed, Reader, how the lessons we need most in life seem to appear before us at that crucial moment when they'll do the most good? I'm reading Stephen Covey's The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. A life-changing book. When I look at my life through that lens, the fear evaporates. It seems the more I think about the core values I want to see reflected in my life, the more they appear. And the less I'm afraid. So, I'm taking a good, hard look around and asking myself all the questions Stephen suggests. So far, the answers are illuminating.

I invite you to take a look at his book too. Begin with the end in mind, Stephen says. I hope this will lead to more dialog about this incredible book. Can't wait to hear your thoughts. In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight, Reader. Fear is not the boss of us.

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