Monday, July 19, 2010

Today's Joy: Mom, Brother, The Sorcerer's Apprentice & Me.
Having Mondays off has been such a blessing, Reader. With all the activities my family manages to squeeze into the weekends, I need a whole extra day just to recoup and do all the things I should have done instead of going out with them, having a marvelous time. Of course, I'd rather be out having a marvelous time, so Mondays are my new favorite day of the week.

Today, I did some final edits on my new bookmark designs (should have a sneak peek of those for you next week) and then went to the movies with Mom & Brother. Have decided I adore going to the movies on a Monday afternoon. There are no lines and you practically have the theatre all to yourself. I mooched a few of Brother's pretzel bites (yum!) and a handful or two of Mom's popcorn. Brother & I made our usual bet about how many previews there would be before the movie starts. He invariably chooses five and is often correct. I pick either four or six and every once in a while, I win. It's a pointless little thing we do to amuse ourselves, but we still do it. Gotta love those little movie rituals.

Anyway, we settled in to watch a scruffy Nicolas Cage, dressed in a Harry-Potter-meets-The-Matrix outfit, attempt to teach a wussy physics nerd to be the most powerful sorcerer in history all the while saving the world and, of course, the girl. Alfred Molina played the deliciously-evil villain. Lots of action and lots of fun, though our nerdy young "hero" leaves much to be desired (I miss the days of Mr. Darcy-esque protagonists). But all in all, a great way to wile away the afternoon.

Is there a summer movie you've been wanting to see, Reader? What better time to tootle on down to the air-conditioned theatre? Think of me when you're watching the previews. ;-)

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