Monday, June 21, 2010

Verigated Leaves

Today's Joy: Hard Work Paying Off.
Well, Reader. Today marks the end of Week 2 of my No Grumbling, No Complaining Challenge. In some ways it was harder than Week 1. But I'm grateful for the test of my resolve. The more of a habit it becomes, the easier it will be to stay aware of how my words and actions impact others. I already feel so much more positive and proud of myself for finding opportunities to lift others up, rather than lament the things that aren't perfect in my life.

Today was also my last day of farm-sitting. My cat will be very glad to see I'm actually sleeping at home tonight. It will also be nice to sleep in my own bed. That being said, I really came to enjoy doing chores every day. Taking care of the critters and cleaning stalls became a familiar rhythm. It even turned into time spent with God, once I found the barn radio and got it tuned in to K-Love.

I love infusing God into little moments during the day. After all, He wants a living relationship with us. That means going beyond attending Sunday service and prayers before bedtime. It means sharing our thoughts and concerns, joys and disappointments with Him as we go about our day. It means being focused on that love throughout the day--and how we can demonstrate it. What a difference it makes when all of your actions originate from a place of peace and fulfillment. Makes life a lot less frustrating too. Give it a try, Reader. See how an attitude of loving compassion changes your interactions with people this week. You might be surprised...

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