Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Phalaenopsis Orchids, Platthill Nursery, Algonquin, IL

Today's Joy: Being A New Creation.
I shot the above photo earlier this week while shopping at a few local plant nurseries with Aunt & Aunt Chef. It's fresh new-ness seems indicative of how I feel today, Reader. You know I love Orchids for their incredible diversity, originality and the longevity of their quirky blossoms. All characteristics I admire. They are a fascinating part of Creation.

Well, I was driving home after another day at my new job and it hit me. I too am a new creation. It wasn't until I really gave my life over to God these last months that I let go of where I thought I should be in this life. Now, it doesn't matter if I meet everyone else's definition of success. I know He has a plan for me and it's certainly better than the flimsy failures I've been coming up with. I made a commitment to follow His lead and my life path began to change literally that day.

And now, here I am, feeling so amazingly grateful and peaceful, with a wonderful new job that challenges me everyday, a blossoming community of fellowship at a new church and with my personal relationships stronger than they've ever been. Unbelievable. Inviting God into my heart was a choice. I had exhausted all my earthly options. Nothing was filling that void of inadequacy I had inside. I needed something bigger than my flawed attempts to 'be someone'. When I finally realized that, I asked out loud for help. I asked out loud for proof that He was really there and that this love I was hearing so much about was real. Then I admitted my flaws and asked for forgiveness for the things I've done that have hurt others. I asked God to come into my heart and that immediately began to change my perspective. Once I wanted that connection with Him earnestly, all the the things I'd been chasing for so many years began to happen naturally.

I know that life is far from perfect. I know that there are many difficult challenges ahead. There will be pain and sorrow and things that don't make any sense to me at the time. I also now know that I don't have to be afraid of what might happen. Whatever lies ahead, God has more than enough strength to get me through. And I believe that whatever happens He will use for good. Tragedy does not defeat us. It can't undo the love we know and give. Fear and pain are not the boss of us. Big stuff, this inner-transformation.

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