Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's Joy: Getting My Ducks In A Row. Well, Reader, tomorrow is the big face-to-face interview for my dream decorating job. Say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed. I have been preparing dutifully all evening.
Have also made my final submissions for the Batavia Orchid Society Photo Competition. Whew! It was a tough choice. But I sent my little darlings out into the world. Let's see if they can get themselves into Orchid Digest.
Also heard from a favorite former professor this afternoon. She is seeking updated info on wayward alums of the University of Maine at Farmington Creative Writing Program. Alas, I have indeed been wayward. But no more! With the click of a mouse, my email will see that I am once again found! FYI to other possibly wayward alums who might be reading this post: get found too! I want to read about you in the next BFA Alum Newsletter.

Doesn't it feel good to be done with the electronic housekeeping, Reader? If only the actual housework were so easily dispatched! Note to self: look into getting a Roomba. And that one that mops the floor. What do they call it? Oh yes, a Scooba. Good night, dear Reader. Sleep tight & don't let the spam email bite!

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