Monday, July 9, 2012

Pet-Sitting for Colt & Misty

My Buddy Colt
  An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.  ~Martin Buber

Happy Sunday evening to you, dear Reader!  I hope your week went smoothly despite the soul-melting heat.  Ah, July.  You haven't been as kind as in years past.  Still, we both know I love your wild summerness anyway.  

Have been very fortunate over the last couple weeks to farm & pet-sit for a dear family friend, G.  A professional pet-sitter by trade, G was called to the southwest to house-sit for a vacationing friend whose regular pet-sitter was also on vacation.  A pet-sitting domino effect, if you will. I've sat for G before and was delighted when she asked me to mind her canine, feline and equine kids.  

G's place is always quiet and I arrived looking forward to a restful visit.  But then I met this guy:

Since my last visit, G's good ole' Australian Shepherd, Sporty had passed away and there was a new man on the place--19 month-old Colt.  Oh sure, he was cute as a button.  But he also possessed the energy of a small jet engine.  Fortunately, G's lovely female Aussie, Misty, was there to help absorb some of Colt's energetic play.

I quickly discovered that both dogs were expert at catching the toys I threw out in the yard.  Unfortunately, neither one felt the need to bring them back to me.  In fact, they seemed a bit disappointed that I didn't know I was supposed to be chasing them to get the toys back.  It was about that time I realized between cleaning stalls, caring for horses and becoming an Australian Shepherd's plaything, I was going to get a really good workout while hanging out at G's place.

Actually, the exercise was great.  I enjoyed getting up early with the sun each morning to feed the horses, turn them out and clean their stalls.  It felt good to sweep and rake the barn aisle and leave everything smelling of clean pine shavings.  I also spent some quality time with G's 2 adorable barn cats--who (thankfully) stopped leaving me little dead rodent presents about the 3rd day of my visit.    

But the most fun, by far, was playing with Colt & Misty.  I took my camera out in the yard on a Sunday afternoon to catch some of  their athletic antics:

Yes, we had a great visit and got along splendidly.  In fact, after G's return I stopped by to drop off her keys and got a big greeting from my 2 canine buddies.  Had to admit, I missed the little buggers! 

I really enjoy these opportunities to house-sit and keep the home fires burning for friends and family so they can go have a wonderful time with the comforting knowledge that their favorite critters are being well-looked after.  Can't wait for the next time I can hang out with these two!

My Buddy Misty

Ready For Bed

Misty after "helping" me water the garden.

Colt after trying to take the hose away from me.

Happy Guy

Wet, Spiky Hair
I subscribe to the theory that Mankind never domesticated any animal. They came in from the cold and looked cute until they were fed. ~David Beard, @Raqhun

Quotes courtesy of The Quote Garden.

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