Thursday, June 28, 2012

CCC Women's Leadership Appreciation Dinner

My new Italian friend, C.
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.  ~Rod McKuen, Looking for a Friend 

Dear Reader, last night was one of those delightful, surprise evenings when you meet kindred spirits, share an impeccable meal and lose all track of time because you're completely relaxed and have forgotten all about the responsibilities and pressing worries you've been carrying around lately.

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive. ~Anäis Nin

Asparagi: fresh asparagus wrapped in bacon, grilled and topped with a gorgonzola sauce (my favorite thing on the whole menu!)

What's this deliciousness, you ask?  Well it's just the appetizer from our Christ Community Church (Women's Evening/Weekend) Leadership Appreciation Dinner!  This was my first year serving as an apprentice community group leader and I was delighted to be invited to join so many fabulous ladies from church for an evening of fellowship and great food at Geneva's most charming little Italian place: Villa Verone. I'm told this is the second year the ladies have spent a gorgeous evening in the picturesque courtyard dining area at Villa Verone.  What can I say?  They have excellent taste!

The Lovely Lady Leaders
Many Thanks to Our Fearless (and Gorgeous) Leaders: L & B for such a wonderful evening!

These ladies also work very hard, giving of themselves to pour into the lives of women in their community groups.  I listened to them speak of juggling families, work, serving at church and a myriad of other responsibilities.  But whatever their struggles, as I listened, I heard their hearts for God and His work.  I heard how their experiences are shaping the way they minister to others--and how others minister to them.  They are a strong, vibrant and very diverse group of women.  Did I mention their sense of adventure?

Italians got talent!
Oh, but wait!  We'll get to that in a minute.  First, we have to talk food.  Below is some of the incredible deliciousness that came across our table:

Chicken Marsala
Who cares what it's called?  You know it was good!
Plate of Culinary Art
Oooooo, Tiramisu
 Yeah, I have to say, despite the yum-factor of every dish, I restrained myself during dinner...but then the tiramisu arrived.  I'm not exactly sure what happened next.  I snapped this photo and the next thing I knew, there was an empty plate in front of me and a cleanly-licked fork in my hand.  Poor thing didn't stand a chance.

Anyway: on to the fun!  Here are my favorite candid shots of the ladies and our servers having a wonderful time:

Oh, but the fun didn't end there!  Just when we were all full, contented and relaxed, the restaurant's owner appeared to serenade us with his favorite classic Italian songs.  That was about the time my new Italian friend, C, decided she was gonna get in on the act...

And she wasn't the only CCC Song Bird to step up to the mike that night!

All in all, an amazing evening!  I left there feeling so rejuvenated and refreshed.  All that laughter and sharing of experiences--it's powerful stuff!  How wonderful then, that God made us to live and thrive in relationships.  I am keenly aware these days that He has brought us all together in this season of life to prepare us for the works that lie ahead.  Whatever the path, He will provide all we need...including fellowship and laughter.

Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.  ~Malcolm Muggeridge

All quotes courtesy of The Quote Garden.


  1. It was nice meeting you! You did an excellent job capturing the evening through pen and lens!

    Thank you!
    Katie D

  2. Oh honey that looks like so much fun! I am so glad that they treated you to this! You are so right, ministry is hard work but the rewards are great!
