Saturday, May 1, 2010

Today's Joy: Faith, Demonstrated.
It's been a hard day, Reader. I took my photo wares to my third show this year, very optimistic that this was it! I'd been praying and hoping the bad shows were behind me. I was finally going to recoup some of the cash that's been sunk into this venture! After all, I'm very proud of my work and the products I sell. They're thoughtfully-made from the best quality materials I could find. I'm proud to put my name on them.

However, once again, the show turnout was almost non-existent and for the second show in a row, I sold nothing. Yep, not a notecard. Not a bookmark. Zip! A few lovely people did stop by and offer encouraging feedback. There were also a few that monopolized 20 minutes or more of my time and man-handled several items before mumbling they were broke or unemployed and walking away. I tried not to notice when they bought ugly multi-colored roses made from wood chips at the booth next door.

I really tried to keep my positive attitude, but after six tedious hours of selling nothing, my positivity was utterly deflated. So, Mom took me out for a late lunch and we talked about what was successful (not much), what wasn't (a whole lot) and how to improve. Talking helped, but I was still in a funk.

After we parted ways, I realized there was still time to make the evening service at a local church God's been prompting me to visit. So I took my heavy heart over there and walked into a baptismal service.

Reader, there are few things more moving, more uplifting or more personal than watching someone who really believes in Jesus & God's love dedicate his or her life to God and re-affirm their faith. I watched a young widow renew her faith as she deals with grief and trying to move on. There was also an angry young man, now at peace with his demons. Most powerful though, was a couple being baptised. The husband led his wife, who has stage 4 breast cancer, into the pool and they went together. They were all so happy when they came out. It was really, REALLY wonderful and moved me to tears.

It also made me feel very silly for spending so much energy brooding over my problems. As a photographer, I spend a lot of time peering through a lens to capture little, infinitesimal moments of beauty. I forget sometimes that God uses me as a lens in the same way and I have to be just as mindful of those images. Good thing He loves me, 'cause I am SO not perfect! Is there anything He's put on your heart to see or do, Reader? If you're putting it off, what's stopping you?

Photo: Forsythia, 2008.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how when life gets us down and we think we've got it bad, God shows us what we have to be thankful for. SOmetimes through other people and small blessings. May we never forget how blessed we are. I don't want to live in a world without God!
