Monday, January 25, 2010

Today's Joy: Chunk.

Dear Reader, do you have a problem child at your house? Then you can probably relate. We have a problem Chunk. That is, we have a cat named Chunk.
How I met Chunk is a whole sordid story. The highlights include a cranky neighbor trapping him in a live animal trap and me sneaking onto her porch at 1:30 am to bust him out of jail. Then he was on the lam for a while. Eventually, Chunk and I went from an I'll-just-live-in-your-garage-and-wait-for-you-to-come-home sort of relationship to a full-on commitment. He is a 4-ish yr. old crabby orange tabby cat. Very crabby. And he's an Olympic-caliber complainer. There are few things in life that Chunk doesn't comment on. In the 3 years I've known him, I've heard a kitty dissertation on what's wrong with the world--namely what's wrong with living at our house.

True, a certain amount of "constructive criticism" is just part of having a cat. But you'd think an ex-feral stray might show a little more appreciation for his very comfortable living arrangements, sunny balcony for lounging, tempting array of food and 2 resident humans that are willing to cuddle. But, alas. We are too needy for Chunk. We want to pet him and heaven forbid--cuddle. This leads to daily tail-lashing, hissing, swatting, biting, crabbing, complaining and swearing (on Himself's part).

You're probably wondering where the joy is at this point. Chunk hates to move. He has been watching the boxes pile up in our apt. with great trepidation. Now that the move is eminent, he must be worrying he'll be left behind. So Chunk has done the only thing he can think of to keep us from leaving without him--he's become a cling-on. He sits with me, sleeps right up against me and can't be more than 2 feet away at all times. Shoot, he'll hardly let me use the ladies' room without beating down the door. He's stuck to me like lint.

For the first time in many months, I can cuddle him all I want. Ha! So, dear Reader, I am enjoying my neurotic cat's discomfort in a most un-Christian way. But at least, I'm finally getting some love.

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