Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today's Joy: Glad To Be Back.
Yes, Reader, it's true. After a crazy month and a half of not blogging, I am back! Oh, how I have missed conversing with you! If you're not speaking to me after my prolonged absence, alas, I understand. But if you are, I have much to tell you.

Around mid-September, several circumstances converged to create the perfect blog-halting storm. First, my well-loved position changed dramatically. Where before, I was receiving invoices and handling paperwork for just one of my company's 11 locations, I am now installed at the corporate office--a much greater distance from my quiet, country home--and handling the invoicing for 9 stores. Truth be told, it is a heck of a lot of work but....I think I love it! It's wonderful to be challenged every single day. Of course, with the increased workload and commute, that leaves much less time for my daily chats with you. This I am still ironing out.

Add to that, a sneaky virus which has been waging war on our home network for several weeks now and I was feeling very cut-off from my beloved blog. But a few well-timed queries from loyal readers have given me the hutzpah to make time in my schedule to get back to what I love--sharing this very blessed life with you.

When I set myself this daily joy challenge on Jan 1st, I couldn't have foreseen any of the changes that have taken place this year. Still, I felt bad when circumstances caused me to miss a few (or ALOT) of days. But this challenge, like life, is not about perfection. A perfect record was never the goal here. Finding the joy that's in each day was. And though I may not always post on time or chronologically, I am always looking for that little something each day that I can share about in this wonderful forum. The funny thing is, when you look, you find so much more than you hoped for.

So, dear Reader, I will do my best to bring you joy in a consistent & timely fashion. But, if I miss a few here and there, I'm not going to sweat it. Just know that I'm out there looking for the joy. I hope you are too.

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