Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message. ~ Malcolm Muggeridge

Today's Joy: Time Spent with God.
Had the day off today, Reader. I fell asleep last night after reading a few chapters of The Shack, by William P. Young. This is my second reading of this amazing book. So it felt only natural, upon waking this morning, to stretch luxuriously in bed and then pick up right where I left off. I read for a bit, absorbed some more deep and wonderful ideas and then got about starting my day.

After attending to the daily duties of living, I found myself drawn back to the book in the afternoon. So, I read some more. And passages that hadn't resonated with me during my first reading popped up like beacons of understanding this time around. There are several questions I've been pondering in regard to faith. Questions that my readings & discussions with spiritual advisors have not entirely answered. I'm sure you have a few such quandaries yourself, Reader. So, you will understand when I say that I really struggle with some of these faith roadblocks.

Mostly, they have to do with the rules of written teachings feeling incongruous with what I know in my heart about God & love.

In The Shack, Sarayu (my favorite character) advises, Don't look for rules and principles. Look for relationship--a way of coming to be with us. She further refers to responsibilities and expectations as subtle forms of these rules--words that were once live verbs (response & expectancy) but which we humans have turned into dead nouns. In essence, routines, rituals & obligations, which take away from our live relationship with God.

God is a verb, not a noun proper or improper. ~ R. Buckminster Fuller, No More Secondhand God, 1963

In The Shack, over and over, Papa, Jesus & Sarayu (the three faces of God in the book) all reiterate that they want to be in relationship with us. They want to live inside us, to be a part of everything we do--not just a chore to be completed on our daily to-do list (did the dishes, picked up the kids, prayed to God, etc).

When I think of the healthy relationships around me, I know a hint of that togetherness & acceptance. That understanding that no matter what your flaws, someone loves you unconditionally. Of course, with God, it's on a scale more infinite than anything I can imagine. But I see snippets of His love in my love for others and in the way they love me. God is the ultimate form of that--more than I can comprehend and more than I'll ever need. I like the idea that he's there with me every moment, seeing all that I do, celebrating triumphs & drawing close in times of sorrow.

The feeling remains that God is on the journey, too. ~Teresa of Avila

I love too, that he has extended this offer of relationship to everyone, regardless of race, color, belief or persuasion. He longs for fellowship with each of us. He is "especially fond" of all his children, whatever their circumstance, wherever they have been. He always offers them the chance to come to him in fellowship. As I progress in my own faith & relationship with Him, I can't imagine life any other way. Tonight, I can't wait to return to my book and see what other revelations I will find. What an amazing journey! Dear Reader, I hope my little musing gets you thinking--maybe even curious enough to pick up Mr. Young's book, or better yet, God's. Or, hit your knees and talk to the Man, Himself. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. More revelations to come!

People see God every day, they just don't recognize him. ~Pearl Bailey

Quotes courtesy of The Quote Garden.

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