Friday, April 23, 2010

Today's Joy: Fortuitous Meetings.
I took a risk today, Reader. I applied to a juried art/craft show slotted for later this summer. Juried means that a committee of the show organizers reviews all the artists who'd like to participate and decides which ones will be invited to exhibit their work. Juried shows are usually a more organized and more lucrative venue for artists than the average festival. There's also the opportunity to win prizes for your work.

Well, I prayed about it and ruminated on it and when I felt God urging me to give it a shot, I decided it was time to throw my hat in the ring. I put together my application with samples of my work (am still so proud of my little darlings) and today I hand-delivered it to the submission address. I got there later than I planned--a few unexpected errands popped up--and the mail slot was too small for my envelope, so I rang the bell and a woman came to the door. Turns out, she's the submissions contact and a lovely woman. So, I introduced myself and we chatted a bit. She seemed really excited to peek at my application so I thanked her and ski-dattled. Hopefully I made a good impression.

Looking back on it now, the timing was very fortuitous. I know in my heart that God wanted me there at that time for a reason, and this meeting was somehow significant. It had that 'stardust feel' to it. You know what I mean--that feeling of foreshadowing you get when you meet someone new or visit some place for the first time and you just know it will be significant in the future. Like déjà vu, only it hasn't happened yet. Or like God offering you a sneak peek. A holy spirit preview, if you will.

I've gotten that feeling several times in my life, each time leading to something wonderful. So, I'm hopeful. When was the last time you had a 'stardust feeling', Reader? Did you shake it off or embrace it? What was the outcome?

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